Hectare to Square Yard

1 Hectare


11959.9005 Square Yards

Hectares to Square Yard (How many square yard in a hectare?)

It is an area conversion calculator that is used to convert Hectares (ha) to square yard (yd2). This calculator is programmed with a blank text field and a single control button. Use the blank text field to enter the value in hectares and then click the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion. Your results in square yards will be displayed immediately below the control button.

For example;

Convert 7 hectares to square yard


Enter the hectare value 7 in the blank text field and then click the ‘Convert' button. The result in square yards will be displayed as; 83719.3035 Square Yards

Therefore, 7 Hectares = 83719.3035 Square Yards 

Hectares to Square Yards Conversion

Enter a value that you want to convert into sq. yards and click on the "convert" button.

How many square yards in a hectare?

The area units' conversion factor for Hectares to Square yard is 11959.9005. To determine the number of square yards in a hectare, we multiply the value in hectares by the conversion factor. Alternatively, you can use the hectare to square yard conversion calculator as it gives quick and accurate results.

1 Hectare = 11959.9005 Square Yards

This means that there are 11959.9005 square yards in a hectare.

Multiply the value in hectares by 11959.9005 (conversion factor) if you want to determine the number of square yards in a hectare.

For example;

How many square yards are there in 7 hectares?


We multiply the value in hectares (7) by the conversion factor (11959.9005)


= 7 x 11959.9005

= 83719.3035 Square Yards

This means that there are 83719.3035 Square Yards in 7 hectares. 


A Hectare is a metric system unit area of measurement abbreviated as "ha". It is mostly used for agriculture, forestry, and land measurement. One hectare is equivalent to 10,000 square meters. It is an area whose all sides are equivalent to 100 meters.

A Square yard is an Imperial and US customary area unit of measurement. Although it is used often in most of the English-speaking world, it has been replaced currently by the square meter. However, its widespread use is well recognized in the US, Canada, and the UK. It is abbreviated as "yd2" or "sq. yd."

It is also important to consider that this calculator can only execute conversions from hectares to square miles. If your values are in square miles then we recommend you use the square miles to hectares converter. This calculator gives accurate and quick results which makes it reliable when performing a number of conversions from hectares to square yards.