Tokyo Time Now

Tokyo Time Now

Tokyo uses the Japan Standard Time (JST) which is set 9 hours ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC +9). Unlike other countries or territories, Tokyo does not observe the daylight saving time (DST). This means that it uses the same UTC offset throughout the year. The time zone identifier for Tokyo that is described in the IANA databases is known as Asia/Tokyo.

The sun rises at 04:42 and sets at 18:54. The day length is 14 hours and 12 minutes with the solar noon observed at 11:48. The current local time in Tokyo is behind the apparent solar time by 12 minutes.

The time zone converter will be effective in determining the time difference between Tokyo and other countries or regions. Tokyo is one hour behind Beijing and Singapore, six hours behind Istanbul and Moscow, 3.5 hours behind India and one hour ahead of Sydney.

There have been several debates about Japan not following the Daylight Saving Time. It used to be called Tokyo Standard Time before it was changed to Japan Standard Time. The Japan Standard time used by Tokyo is the same as Yakutsk Time, Korean Standard Time and the Indonesian Eastern Standard Time. Two time zones that were implemented in Japan included the Central Standard Time and Western Standard Time.