325 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius

The Fahrenheit and Celsius are two scales involved in the conversion of 325 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius.

325 degrees Fahrenheit(°F)


162.778 degrees Celsius(°C)

The Fahrenheit and Celsius are two scales involved in the conversion of 325 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. Although both scales measure temperature, they start at different numbers and rise gradually at different rates. The freezing and boiling points of water differ by 100 degrees in the Celsius scale. Therefore, it means that one degree Celsius is equal to 1/100 of the interval between the freezing and boiling points of water.

The two points differ exactly by 180 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale. It implies that 1°F is equivalent to 1/180 of the interval between the freezing and boiling points of water. When the Fahrenheit scale reads 325°F, the Celsius scale will be at 162.778°C. The unit size in both scales differ although they both measure temperature.

To determine the calculation of 325 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius;

180/100 can be simplified as 9/5 whereas 100/180 can be simplified as 5/9.

If you want to get the temperature in degrees Celsius, we subtract 32 from the temperature reading in degrees Fahrenheit. Multiply by 5/9 to determine the reading.

Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter

325 °F = 162.778 °C

325 degrees Fahrenheit(°F) = 162.778 degrees Celsius(°C)


325°F = 162.778°C is the standard principle used in the conversion. Therefore, it implies that the 325 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 162.778 degrees Celsius.

T (°C) = [T (°F) – 32] x 5/9 is the method for converting degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius.

For example;

Convert 325 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius.


T (°C) = [325°F – 32] x 5/9

= 162.778° Celsius

Other methods that work

We can also use a different procedure to determine the results. First, you will add 40 to 325 degrees Fahrenheit and then multiply by 5/9. Add 40 to the result to get the temperature in degrees Celsius.

For example;

Convert 325 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius


325°F + 40 = 365

= 365 X 5/9 = 202.778

= 202.778 - 40 = 162.778° Celsius