Daily Calorie Needs


Daily Calorie Needs Calculator

The Daily Calorie Needs Calculator from calculatorology is a fundamental online resource for determining an individual's daily caloric requirements based on various personal factors.

This calculator considers parameters like age, sex, weight, height, and activity level to provide a personalized estimate of caloric intake needed to maintain current body weight.

For accurate results, users must input their lifestyle activity level, ranging from sedentary to highly active, as this significantly influences caloric needs.

Daily Calorie Needs:


How To Calculate Necessary Calories?

The process behind the working of daily caloric needs calculator is simple. ANd secondly it is the need of many. So if you do not know the correct process of using this, you cannot check your daily caloric needs correctly. Here is the process: 

  1. Enter your Age: The need of calories for individuals vary from age to age. So put your correct age to find the right amount of calories for you. In the first box, put your age in years.
  2. Specify your gender: Similarly both males and females have different requirements of energy. Especially those women with pregnancy need more calories. So, specifically your gender in the second field.
  3. Enter your weight: In the third field, you will enter your weight. If you do not have your weight in kilograms then convert it and then put in the calculator.
  4. Enter your height: Your height also matters for calculating the calorie needs for your body. So put the height in centimeters to get the correct data.
  5. Select your activity level: In the last step, the calculator asks you to enter your physical activity information. It is a crucial step for you to find your caloric needs on a daily basis. 

Based on your above details, the calculator will perform some calculations and decide the precise amount of calories for your body. 


For example a boy of 20 years old who wants to maintain his physical health. For this he uses a daily caloric need calculator to find his caloric needs. Let suppose he puts these details:

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Weight: 50 kg

Height: 165 cm

Activity level: Very active


The calculator uses the BMR and then multiplies it to the activity level. Here is how:

BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 x 50) + (4.799 x 165) - (5.677 x 20)

BMR = 1436.57

So, the BMR is approximately 1436.51 calories/day.

The activity level is "very active." This multiplier accounts for very intense exercise or a physically demanding job.

Total daily calories needed = BMR x Activity multiplier

activity multiplier for intense activity is 1.725 TDEE

Total daily calories needed = 1436.51 x 1.725 

So, the daily caloric needs for a very active 20-year-old male weighing 50 kg and 165 cm tall are approximately 2471.51 calories per day.

Caloric Calculator is helpful for Different Age and Genders

Sedentary individuals require fewer calories compared to those with an active lifestyle or those who engage in regular exercise. Additionally, the calculator can adjust for different goals, such as weight loss, maintenance, or muscle gain, by modifying the calorie recommendations accordingly. This tool is invaluable for creating a balanced diet plan that supports individual metabolic demands and activity levels. Properly assessing daily calorie needs ensures effective management of body weight and overall health, providing a foundation for nutritional strategies tailored to personal goals and lifestyle requirements.