Date to Timestamp


Date to Unix Timestamp Converter

In the digital world, converting a human-readable date into a precise timestamp format is essential for accurate data processing and time tracking. Due to this urgent need for professionals, we have made this date-to-timestamp calculator tool available on our official website. This online resource can convert any standard date into a Unix timestamp, a continuous count of seconds from January 1, 1970. This tool is crucial for developers, data analysts, and other hobbyists.

This tool is a perfect example of needing a bridge gap between human-readable dates and machine-readable timestamps. So, if you want consistent and precise data conversion, you can access our tool online and get precious results in less than a second.
Date to Timestamp Converter

Steps to Use Our Timestamp Calculator

Calculatorology has made every attempt to make this calculator more straightforward. Here is the process you can follow:

  1. Enter Years: Input the years you want to convert. (Remember your year value must be greater than 1970 or equal to 1970)
  2. Enter Months: Input the months you want to convert.
  3. Enter Weeks: Input the number of weeks you want to convert.
  4. Enter Days: Input the days you want to convert.
  5. Enter Hours: Input the hours you want to convert.
  6. Enter Minutes: Input the number of minutes you want to convert.
  7. Enter Seconds: Input the number of seconds you want to convert.

After entering all the details, you will see instant results on your screen.


Let's say you want to convert the following time duration into a timestamp:

  • 1980 years
  • Three months
  • Four weeks
  • Five days
  • 6 hours
  • 7 minutes
  • 8 seconds


Step 01. Input all the details in the calculator.

Step 02. Click on the calculate button to get results.


Unix Timestamp: 322927628

The calculator converted this duration into a total number of seconds since January 1, 1970. The Unix Timestamp you received is 322927628, corresponding to April 13, 1980, reflecting the elapsed time based on your input details. The timestamp 322927628 represents a specific time, of April 13, 1980, at 22:51:08 UTC, as measured from January 1, 1970. The calculator's output converts your time duration into this timestamp format.

Benefits of Date to Timestamp Calculator

Ensures Precise Time Tracking

A Date-to-Timestamp Calculator provides exact timestamps for specific dates, crucial for accurate time tracking. This precision is critical to technical fields like software development and data analysis, where minor time differences can affect outcomes.

Simplifies Data Management

Managing and analyzing time-based data often requires timestamps rather than human-readable dates. The Date to Timestamp Calculator simplifies this process by converting standard dates into timestamps, making integrating and managing time-based data in databases or spreadsheets easier.

Facilitates Coding and Development

Working with timestamps is often easier for developers than handling traditional dates. The Date to Timestamp Calculator helps convert dates into Unix timestamps, which is widely used in time calculation programming.

Enhances Synchronization Across Systems

Different systems and applications often use timestamps to synchronize events and processes. By converting dates into timestamps with this calculator, you ensure that all systems use the same time format.

Supports Accurate Time Comparisons

When comparing times, using Unix timestamps can be more straightforward than dealing with different date formats. The Date to Timestamp Calculator allows you to convert dates into a uniform format, making comparing and analyzing time intervals easier.