Convert Lbs to Kg

Convert Lbs to Kg

The conversion of pounds (lbs) to kilograms (kgs) involves two units of weight measurement. When using the converter, enter the value in pounds in the text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion from lbs to kgs. This gives you result in kilograms displayed below the control buttons. Use the ‘Reset' button to erase the text field and previous conversions from the calculator. It also displays the method used in the conversion of pounds to kilograms.


Convert 45 pounds to kilograms


First, enter the value in pounds (45) in the text field and press the ‘Convert' button. The conversion result is shown;

Kilograms: 20.41165665 kg

Kilograms + Grams: 20 Kg 411.7g


= 45 lb × 0.45359237

= 20.41165665 kg

Use the same procedure when performing a new conversion in pounds to get the corresponding results in kilograms. The lbs to kg converter give quick and accurate results depending on the values you enter in the text field.

How many kilograms in a pound?

The weight units' conversion factor of pounds to kilograms is 0.45359237. The conversion factor of troy weight is 0.3732417216.

1 pound = 0.45359237 kilogram

1 Troy pound = 0.3732417216 kilogram

Therefore, there are 0.45359237 kilograms in one pound and 0.3732417216 kilograms in one troy pound.

If you want to determine the number of kilograms in a pound, multiply the value in pounds by the conversion factor.


M (kg) = m (lb) x 0.45359237

The mass in kilograms is determined when you multiply the mass in pounds by the conversion factor.


A pound is a mass unit in the US customary and imperial systems abbreviated as "lb". One pound is equal to 0.45359237 kilograms and there are 453.5 grams in one pound.

A kilogram is a mass unit in the metric system abbreviated as "kg". One kilogram is equal to one liter of water.