Timestamp to Date


Unix Timestamp to Date Converter

Timestamp is a powerful tool designed to help data analysts and software engineers. Many people in the programming industry rely on out-of-date calculators. This tool converts the inputted timestamps into readable dates. Our tool is so convenient that its users can get their desired results by transforming the Unix timestamp into their corresponding standard date and time formats.

We designed this tool considering the needs of developers, analysts, and anyone working with timestamp data. It allows for efficiently interpreting precise moments in a more familiar and comprehensive format.

How to Use the Unix Timestamp to Date Calculator?

Please follow the below instructions to use the timestamp-to-date calculator efficiently.

  1. Enter the Unix Timestamp: Locate the input box on the calculator. Type or paste the Unix timestamp value (e.g., 322927628) into this box.
  2. Click the Calculate Button: Once you have entered the Unix timestamp, click the “Calculate” button. This action triggers the conversion process.

After clicking “Calculate,” the calculator will process the timestamp and display the corresponding date and time.


Let's say you have a Unix timestamp of 322927628 and want to convert it into a readable date and time. This timestamp represents the number of seconds.


Step 01: Open the Timestamp to date calculator from the Calculatorology website.

Step 02: Locate the input box on the Unix Timestamp to Date Calculator.

Step 03: Enter 322927628 into the box.

Step 04: Click the “Calculate” button to start the conversion process.


The calculator will process the timestamp and display the corresponding date and time. For the timestamp 322927628, the calculator converts it to:

Date and Time: April 13, 1980, at 22:51:08 UTC

This means that 322927628 seconds after January 1, 1970, corresponds to April 13, 1980, 10:51:08 PM UTC.

Benefits of Timestamp to Date Calculator

Makes Timestamps Readable

A Timestamp to Date Calculator converts Unix timestamps into human-readable dates. This makes it much easier to understand and interpret time information. Instead of working with numbers representing seconds since 1970, you get dates and times that are familiar and easy to read, which simplifies scheduling and record-keeping.

Aids in Data Interpretation

When working with data that uses timestamps, making sense of the information without converting it can be challenging. This calculator helps translate timestamps into standard date formats, making interpreting and analyzing time-based data easier.

Supports Effective Communication

Standard date formats are often more effective when sharing time-related information with others than raw timestamps. Converting timestamps into readable dates ensures everyone can easily understand the time details you’re discussing.

Simplifies Time Tracking

Suppose you receive timestamps from systems or logs but must work with dates and times. In that case, it lets you quickly convert timestamps into usable dates, streamlines time tracking and helps you manage schedules and deadlines more effectively.

Enhances Software Development

In software development, timestamps are often converted to dates for better debugging and user interface display. This calculator helps developers convert timestamps into readable date formats, making testing and displaying time-related application features more straightforward.