Fraction to Decimal Converter

Enter fraction:
Decimal result:

It is a number conversion calculator that is used to convert the values in fractions to decimals. There are two tabs that distinguish the types of fractions you want to calculate. The Simple fraction tab has two text boxes where you need to enter the numerator and denominator. On the mixed fraction tab, you will enter the whole number in the first text box. The numerator and denominator should be filled I the top and bottom text boxes respectively. The fraction to decimal calculator can only perform a single conversion at a time. There are three active controls that accomplish various tasks of the calculator.

After you have filled all the necessary text fields, you can use the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion. The results will be displayed on the bottom panel of the calculator below the controls. If you have new fractions that should be converted to decimals, you will use the ‘Reset' button. It is the quickest means of clearing all previous data from the calculator. This calculator will also indicate the method that was used during the conversion.

Example 1

Convert 3/5 to decimals


The first procedure is to enter the values 3 and 5 in the numerator and denominator text box respectively. Click the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion. The results will be displayed as;

Decimal result: 0.4

Calculation:     2/5

                        = 0.4

= 40%

Example 2

Convert 1 2/4 to decimals


The first procedure is to select the mixed fraction tab. Enter the value 1 in the first text box. 2 and 4 should be filled in the numerator and denominator text box respectively. Afterward, click on the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion. The results will be shown as;

Decimal result: 1.5

Calculation:      1 2/4

= 1.5

= 150%

You can always repeat the same method using new fractions.