Gas Law Calculator


Gas Law Calculator

Gas law calculations are crucial in various scientific and engineering fields. They allow us to understand and predict the behaviour of gases under different conditions. Whether you’re a student learning about gas laws or a professional conducting experiments, having an accurate tool to perform these calculations is essential. The Gas Law Calculator is designed to make these tasks more accessible by focusing on three fundamental gas laws: Boyle's, Charles's, and Ideal Gas. This article will guide you through using this calculator and explain its significance.

Select a gas law and calculate:

How to Use the Gas Law Calculator

Using the Gas Law Calculator involves a simple and user-friendly process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate its features:

  1. Open the Calculator: Start by accessing the Gas Law Calculator. You can find it online or within scientific software tools. Click here to open the calculator!
  2. Select the Gas Law: The first step is to choose which gas law you want to use. The calculator allows you to select from:

Boyle's Law

Charles's Law

Ideal Gas Law

  1. Input the Required Data: Enter the required parameters depending on the selected law.

Process the data by clicking the “Calculate” button. The calculator will then provide results based on the law you selected.

Results will be displayed, including calculated values such as final pressure, final volume, or the number of moles, depending on the chosen gas law.

Boyle's Law Example

Suppose you have a gas at an initial pressure P1​ of 2 atm and an initial volume V2​ of 3 liters. If the gas is compressed to a final volume V2​ of 1 liter, what is the final pressure P2?


  • Input the initial pressure (2 atm) and volume (3 liters).
  • Enter the final volume (1 liter).
  • Click “Calculate” to find the final pressure.

The result will show that the final pressure P2​ is 6 atm.

Charles's Law Example

Suppose a gas has an initial volume V2​ of 5 liters at an initial temperature T2​ of 300 K. What will be the new volume V2​ if the temperature is increased to 600 K?


V1T1 = V2T2


  • Input the initial volume (5 litres) and temperature (300 K).
  • Enter the new temperature (600 K).
  • Click “Calculate” to find the new volume.

The result will show that the new volume V2​ is 10 litres.

Ideal Gas Law Example

Let’s assume an example. Calculate the volume Vof 2 moles of gas at a pressure P of 1 atm and a temperature T of 273 K.


  • Input the number of moles (2), pressure (1 atm), and temperature (273 K).
  • Use the ideal gas constant R=0.0821 L atm/mol\K. 
  • Click “Calculate” to find the volume.

The result will show that the volume V is approximately 44.8 litres.

Why Use a Gas Law Calculator?

Precision: Provides accurate calculations quickly, reducing the risk of manual errors.

Efficiency: Saves time compared to manual calculations, especially when dealing with complex problems or multiple calculations.

Ease of Use: A User-friendly interface simplifies complex gas law problems for students and professionals alike.

Versatility: Handles various gas law equations, making it a versatile tool for scientific calculations.


Gas law calculations are fundamental for understanding the behaviour of gases in various conditions. The Gas Law Calculator simplifies these calculations by allowing users to choose between Boyle's Law, Charles's Law, and the Ideal Gas Law. This tool ensures accuracy and efficiency, making it an invaluable resource for students, educators, and professionals in scientific fields.