Factorization Calculator


Factorization Calculator

A Factorization Calculator is a powerful tool designed to decompose numbers or algebraic expressions into their fundamental factors. This process, known as factorisation, is essential in various fields, including mathematics, engineering, and computer science. Using this calculator, you can quickly determine the factors of numbers or polynomials, simplifying complex problems and enhancing your analytical capabilities.
Factorization Calculator

Prime Factors:

What is Factorization?

The factorisation breaks down a number or algebraic expression into its constituent factors. Factors are numbers or expressions that precisely divide another number or expression without leaving a remainder. For example, factorising the number 12 involves finding all pairs of numbers that multiply together to give 12, such as 2 x 6 and 3 x 4.

In algebra, factorisation involves expressing a polynomial as a product of simpler polynomials, such as the polynomial  x2-5x +6 can be factorized into (x-2)(x-3).

Types of Factorization

  1. Number Factorization: Breaking down a number into its prime factors. For example, the prime factorisation of 30 is 2 x 3 x 5..
  2. Polynomial Factorization: Decomposing a polynomial into products of lower-degree polynomials. For example, x2-4 it can be factored into (x-2)(x+2).
  3. Algebraic Factorization: Factoring algebraic expressions involving variables, such as a2-b2.

How to Use the Factorization Calculator?

Using our Factorization Calculator involves a few simple steps:

  1. Input the Expression: Enter the number or polynomial you want to factorise into the calculator. For numbers, provide the integer you wish to decompose. For polynomials, enter the expression in standard form.
  2. Select the Type of Factorization: Choose whether you want to factor a number or a polynomial. Some calculators may offer options for specific factorisation methods or types.
  3. Perform the Calculation: Click the “Calculate” button. The calculator will process the input and provide the factors.

The result will display the factors of the number or polynomial, often with additional details or steps to help you better understand.


Let’s use examples to illustrate how the Factorization Calculator works for both numbers and polynomials.

Example 1: Number Factorization

Problem: Factorize the number 60.


  • Step 1: Start with the smallest prime number, 602=30
  • Step 2: Continue factoring: 




Result: The prime factorisation of 60 is 22x 3 x 5.

Example 2: Polynomial Factorization

Problem: Factorize the polynomial x2+7x+12.


  • Step 1: Find two numbers that multiply to 12 and add to 7. These numbers are 3 and 4.
  • Step 2: Write the polynomial as a product of binomials: 


Result: The factors of x2+7x+12 are (x+3) and (x +4).

Uses of Our Factorization Calculator

With our Factorization Calculator, you can efficiently decompose numbers and polynomials into their fundamental factors, making complex calculations simpler and more manageable. Whether for academic purposes, professional use, or personal projects, this tool enhances your ability to perform factorisation quickly and accurately.

Our Factorization Calculator provides several benefits:

Simplifies Complex Problems

Quickly factorises numbers and polynomials, making solving complex equations and simplifying mathematical problems easier.

Enhances Learning

Assists students and educators in understanding factorisation techniques and provides clear, step-by-step solutions.

Supports Mathematical Analysis

It is useful for mathematicians and engineers in analyzing numbers and algebraic expressions, aiding in problem-solving and decision-making.

Saves Time

Automates the factorisation process, reducing manual effort and minimising errors in calculations.

Boosts Efficiency

Delivers accurate results swiftly, enhancing productivity and accuracy in mathematical tasks.