1 Cup
0.0625 Gallon
Cups to Gallons (How many gallons in a cup?)
This conversion tool converts the volume in Cups (c) to volume in Gallons (gal). Use the blank text field to enter the value in cups. The ‘Convert' button is used to execute the conversion from cups to gallons. The conversion result is displayed below the control button in gallons. This converter gives quick and accurate results based on the values entered in the blank text field.
Convert 300 cups to gallons
First, enter the value in cups (300) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion from cups to gallons. The conversion result is displayed as;
300 Cups = 18.75 Gallons
This implies that there are 18.75 gallons in 300 cups.
Cups to Gallons Conversion
How many gallons in a cup?
The volume units' conversion factor of cups to fluid gallons is 0.0625
1 Cup (US) = 0.0625 (1/16) Gallon (Fluid, US)
1 Cup (US) = 0.053710437 Gallon (Dry, US)
1 Cup (Metric) = 0.055 Gallon (UK)
This implies that there are 0.0625 US fluid gallons in one US cup and 0.055 imperial gallons in one metric cup. To determine the number of gallons in a cup, simply multiply the value in cups by the conversion factor.
From the largest to the smallest units, a quart is a ¼ of a gallon, a pint is a ½ of a quart and a cup is a ½ of a pint. Therefore; ¼ x ½ x ½ = 1/16 (0.0625) gallons in one cup.
A cup is a unit of volume used in measuring dry, liquid and bulk foods abbreviated as "c". The commonly used international standards for cups that are used are metric cups and US customary cups.
A gallon is a volume unit in the US customary and imperial systems of measurement abbreviated as "gal". There are two types of a gallon in the US customary system and a single one in the imperial system.