1 Year
525600 Minutes
How many minutes in a year
A minute is a unit of time measurement that is equal to 60 seconds or 1/60 of an hour. It is mostly used in the short-term and on a daily basis to tell the time during the day. There are different types of calendar years such as the common calendar, leap year Gregorian, and Julian. These calendars have a different number of days depending on the time the earth takes to make a single rotation around the sun.
The number of minutes in a year
60 seconds = 1 minute
60 minutes = 1 hour
24 hours = 1 day
365 days = 1 year (common calendar)
Common calendar
A common calendar does not have intercalation and is exactly 365 days. To determine the number of minutes in a day we will multiply the number of minutes in an hour by the number of hours in a day.
I.e. 60 x 24 = 1440 minutes in a day.
Since there are 1440 minutes in a day, we will multiply this number by the number of days in a common year calendar.
I.e. 1440 x 365 = 525600 minutes in a common year calendar.
Leap year
A leap year has approximately 366 days with an extra day in the month of February compared to the Common year.
Since there are 1440 minutes in a day, we will multiply this value by the number of days in a leap year.
i.e. 1440 x 366 = 518400 minutes in a leap year
Gregorian year
The Gregorian calendar has 365.2425 mean solar days.
1440 x 365.2425 = 525949.2 minutes in a Gregorian year calendar
Julian year
There are 365.25 days on a Julian calendar.
1440 x 365.25 = 525960 minutes in a Julian year calendar.
Using minutes
A minute is a time unit commonly used for various reasons such as telling time or in cooking. They are used every day to help us with timescales. They are divided into seconds and then multiplied to get the time in hours.
Using years
A year is a unit of time measurement used in the long-term. It is divided into weeks and then multiplied into months. It determines the amount of time that has passed on a larger scale than days and weeks.