How many mm in a cm

The conversion factor of the metric length units’ centimeters (cm) to millimeters (mm) is 10.

1 centimeter (cm)


10 millimeters (mm)

The conversion factor of the metric length units’ centimeters (cm) to millimeters (mm) is 10. If you want to find how many millimeters are in centimeters, all you have to do is to multiply the value by 10. You can also check it out in the centimeters to millimeters conversion table or the conversion calculator. Therefore, it means that one centimeter is equivalent to 10 millimeters and can be shown as;

Centimeters to millimeters Converter

1 cm = 10 mm

1 centimeter (cm) = 10 millimeters (mm)

1 centimeter (cm) = 10 millimeters (mm)

Centimeter is abbreviated as “cm” and is a metric system length unit that equals one hundredth of a meter. Millimeter is abbreviated as “mm” and is a metric system length unit that equals one thousandth of a meter. It is widely used in measuring the small distances in machining and engineering.

The centimeters to millimeters conversion table shows the smallest value of millimeters in a centimeters. If one centimeters is equal to ten millimeters then 0.01 cm will make up 0.1 mm. The conversion table might not present all the formulas of converting different values from centimeters to millimeters. You can always use the conversion calculator to get accurate results within a short period. The formula used in the calculation is incorporated in the program and it is capable of performing larger conversions.

The “Swap” button allows you to switch the alignment of the calculations. You can also convert the values from millimeters to centimeters with a single click making the calculator reliable. Not only is it faster but also gives accurate results according to the values entered in the text field. The centimeters to millimeters conversion calculator can only execute one conversion at a time. You can always readjust it using the “Reset” button. It clears all the previous calculations giving a clean space for performing new conversions.