How many pints in a cubic meter?

1 Cubic Meter


2113.37642 US Fluid Pints

Cubic Meters to Pints (How many pints in a cubic meter?)

This is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the volume in cubic meters (m3) to volume in pints (pt). The first step when using this converter is to enter the volume in cubic meters in the blank text field. The ‘Convert' button is used to execute the conversion from cubic meters to pints. This gives you the conversion result in pints, shown below the control at the bottom platform of the calculator.


Convert 0.03 cubic meters to pints


First, enter the volume in cubic meters (0.03) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to convert the value in cubic meters to pints. The conversion result is shown as;

0.03 Cubic Meter = 63.4012926 US Fluid Pints

This means that there are 63.4012926 US Fluid Pints in 0.03 cubic meters.

The cubic meters to pints converter gives quick and accurate results depending on the values you enter in the blank text field.

Cubic Meters to Pints Conversion

Enter a value that you want to convert into pints and click on the "convert" button.

How many pints in a cubic meter?

The volume units' conversion factor of cubic meters to pints varies depending on the type of unit and standard used in the conversion.

1 Cubic Meter = 2113.37642 Pints (Fluid, US)

1 Cubic Meter = 1816.16595 Pints (Dry, US)

1 Pint (Fluid, US) = 0.00047317647 Cubic Meter

1 Pint (Dry, US) = 0.000550610475 Cubic Meter

This means that there are 2113.37642 fluid Pints in one cubic meter in the US standard. Multiply the value in cubic meters by the conversion factor to determine the number of pints in a cubic meter.


A cubic meter is a unit of volume measurement in the metric system abbreviated as "m3". It is equal to 2113.37642 fluid Pints and 1816.16595 dry pints. A cubic meter is defined as a cube whose sides are equal to one meter each.

A pint is a unit of measuring volume incorporated in the US customary and imperial systems. It is abbreviated as "pt" and is widely used in daily life such as measuring milk, beer etc.