Kelvin to Celsius calculation

Kelvin to Celsius calculation

There are two scales involved in the calculation of Kelvin to Celsius. The Kelvin scale is not expressed in degrees because it references another scale. The Celsius scale is defined in relation the Kelvin temperature scale. Both scales use different numbers to show their temperature readings despite the fact that they all measure temperature.

The water freezes at 0°C but will be shown in Kelvin as 273.15K. We are used to 100° Celsius as the temperature of boiling water at normal pressure. However, this temperature reading will be indicated in Kelvin as 373.15K. You will notice that these two scales have the same unit size but the reading will always start at different numbers. To determine the actual temperature, you will either add or subtract by 273.15K to get the other reading.

0 K = -273.15 °C is the standard principle used in converting the temperature readings from Kelvin to Celsius.

Formula used in converting Kelvin to Celsius

T (°C) = T (K) -273.15 is the method used in the conversion. Therefore, it implies that the temperature in degrees Celsius is calculated by subtracting 273.15 from the temperature reading in Kelvin.

For example;

Convert 500 Kelvin to degrees Celsius


T (°C) = T (K) -273.15


T (°C) = 500 -273.15

= 226.85 °C

The Kelvin scale only goes down to zero while it is perfectly normal to get negative values for Celsius temperature. Absolute zero is the point at which no further heat can be removed from a system. This means there will be no lower temperature. It also implies that -273.15°C is the lowest possible Celsius temperature you can ever get. The size of degree for the Kelvin and Celsius scale is the same magnitude. No degree symbol is used in following a measurement in Kelvin because it is considered to be an absolute scale.