kJ to calories conversion

Kilojoules to Calories conversion

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Energy result in calories:

Kilojoules to Calories conversion

It is used to convert the energy in kilojoules (kJ) to the energy in calories (Cal). The first procedure is to enter the energy in kilojoules in the first text field before selecting the unit type of calories. The kilojoules to calories converter can be used to calculate the large/food calories, small thermochemical calories and small 15° C calories. After selecting the category and filling the energy in kilojoules, click on ‘Convert' button to complete the conversion to get the result in calories.

Formula of converting kilojoules to thermochemical calories

E (Cal) = E (kJ) x 239.0057, which means that the energy in thermochemical calories is calculated by multiplying the energy in kilojoules by 239.0057.

It can also be expressed as;

1 Calth = 0.004184kJ or

1kJ = 239.0057 Calth

For example;
If the energy in kilojoules is 0.768, find the thermochemical calories

E (Cal) = E (kJ) x 239.0057

= 0.768 kJ x 239.0057 = 183.5564 Cal-th

Converting the energy in kilojoules to 15°C calories

E (Cal15) = E (kJ) x 238.9201, where the energy in 15°C calories is computed by multiplying the energy in kilojoules by 238.9201

It can also be expressed as;

1 Cal-15 =0.0041855 kJ

1 kJ = 238.9201 Cal-15

For example;
If the energy in kilojoules is 0.768, find the energy in 15°C calories

E (Cal15) = E (kJ) x 238.9201

= 0.768 (kJ) x 238.9201 = 183.49062239 Cal-15

Converting the energy in kilojoules to large/food calories

E (Cal) = E (kJ) x 0.239, which means that the energy in food/ large calories is calculated by multiplying the energy in kilojoules by 0.239.

It can also be expressed as;

1 Cal = 4.184 kJ or

1 kJ = 0.239 Cal

For example;
If the energy in kilojoules is 0.768, find the energy in large/food calories.

E (Cal) = E (kJ) x 0.239

= 0.768 (kJ) x 0.239 = 0.18355640535 Cal.