Percentage Increase / Decrease Calculator


Percentage Increase/Decrease Calculator

This is sometimes important to know how much a value has increased or decreased is essential in many areas of life, including business, finance, and everyday decision-making. Whether you’re analyzing sales data, adjusting budgets, or simply trying to keep track of expenses, knowing how to calculate percentage increases and decreases can provide valuable insights.

To help with this task, Calculatorology offers a handy tool known as the % Increase/Decrease Calculator. This calculator helps you to quickly determine the percentage change between two values, making it easier to understand trends and make informed decisions.
Percentage Calculator

Percentage Change: %

What Is a % Increase/Decrease Calculator?

A % increase/decrease calculator is an online tool designed to help you calculate the percentage change between an initial value and a final value. By entering these two numbers, you can find out whether the value has increased or decreased and by how much in percentage terms. This tool is useful for anyone looking to analyze changes in financial data, sales figures, or other metrics.

How to Use a % Increase/Decrease Calculator

Using a % increase/decrease calculator is simple. Just follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Enter the Initial Value

Start by inputting the original value, which is the number you want to compare. This could be anything from last month's sales figure to your budget from last year.

Step 2: Enter the Final Value

Next, input the new value that you want to compare against the initial value. This could be this month’s sales figure or your updated budget.

Step 3: Click “Calculate”

After entering both values, click the "Calculate" button. The calculator will provide you with the percentage increase or decrease, showing how the value has changed.


Let’s say you want to track the sales of a product over two months. Here’s how the calculation might look:

Initial Value: $1,000 (last month’s sales)

Final Value: $1,200 (this month’s sales)


Subtract the initial value from the final value:

1200 - 1000 = 200

Divide the difference by the initial value:

2001000 = 0.2

Multiply by 100 to find the percentage:

0.2 x 100 = 20%

This means that sales increased by 20%.

Why Use Our % Increase/Decrease Calculator?

Quick and Easy Calculations

The calculator provides instant results, saving you time and effort compared to doing the math manually. This is particularly helpful when you need to make quick decisions based on your data.

Understand Trends

By calculating percentage changes, you can better understand trends in your business or personal finances. This insight allows you to make informed decisions based on actual performance.

Versatile Applications

Whether you’re analyzing financial performance, adjusting budgets, or monitoring personal expenses, this tool can be applied in various situations. Its versatility makes it valuable for both personal and professional use.

Budgeting and Planning

Knowing how much something has increased or decreased can help in budgeting and future planning. You can make more informed decisions about where to allocate your resources.

Start Using Your % Increase/Decrease Calculator Today!

Managing data and tracking changes doesn’t have to be complicated. A % increase/decrease calculator provides the clarity you need to understand your numbers better. Whether you’re looking to analyze financial performance, track sales growth, or manage your budget, understanding percentage changes is essential. Take control of your data analysis by using the % increase/decrease calculator today.