PDT Time Now

Pacific Daylight Time Now

Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) is also known as North American Pacific Daylight Time (NAPDT) or the Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDST). It is 7 hours behind the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC – 07:00). Most countries that use the PDT time zone observe the Daylight Saving Time and encompasses the regions of North America.

During winter, some places will shift to the Pacific Standard Time (PST) which is the corresponding Standard time zone. Most of the popular states in the US use the Pacific Standard Time during winter and the Pacific Daylight Time during summer. They include Nevada, Washington, California, Idaho, and Oregon.

British Columbia and Yukon are among the Canadian provinces and territories that use PDT during the summer months. The only Mexican state that observes these rules is the Baja California which makes it unique among the rest. The time offset is UTC -7 during the daylight saving time which depends on the mean solar time.

Los Angeles is the largest city in the Pacific Time Zone. The zone is two hours in the Central Time Zone, one hour behind the Mountain Time Zone, three hours behind the Eastern Time Zone, one hour ahead of the Alaska Time Zone and two hours ahead of the Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone.