It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the percentages (%) to a decimal number (base 10). It is simple and straightforward because it has been programmed with two active controls. There is a single text field where you need to enter the values in percentages. The ‘Convert' button is used to initiate the calculation from percentage to decimal number. The results will be displayed at the bottom platform of the calculator below the two controls. If you want to perform new conversions, you will use the ‘Reset' button. It is used to erase all the previous calculations with a single click.
For example;
Convert 28% to a decimal.
The first procedure is to enter the value 28 in the blank text field and then click the ‘Convert' button. The results will be displayed as;
Decimal result: 0.28
Calculation: 28% / 100%
= 0.28
You can always follow the same procedure when you want to perform new conversions. The calculator gives accurate results depending on the values entered in the text field. This calculator uses a simple formula in performing the conversions to give you accurate results in less than a second.
Formula of converting percentage to decimals
The percentage should be divided by a hundred to convert it to the decimals.
Decimal = N% / 100, where n is the value in percentage.
2% = 2 / 100 = 0.02
6% = 6 / 100 = 0.06
12% = 12 / 100 = 0.12
36% = 36 / 100 = 0.36
70% = 70 / 100 = 0.7
100% = 100 / 100 = 1
250% = 250 / 100 = 2.5
The percent to decimal converter can only execute a single conversion at a time. If you want to perform new calculations, you can always use the ‘Reset' button to clear all the text fields.
Related Conversion
- Fraction to Percent Converter
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- Percent to Fraction Converter
- Percent to PPM Converter
- PPM to Percent Converter
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- PPM to PPT Converter
- PPB to PPM Converter
- PPT to PPM Converter
- PPM Converter
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