Percentage Increase/ Decrease Calculator

Percentage Increase/ Decrease Calculator

Initial amount:
Final amount:
Percentage increase/decrease: %


Initial amount:
Percentage increase/decrease: %
Absolute difference:
Final amount:

Percentage Increase/ Decrease Calculator

It is used to calculate the increase or decrease in percentages of the old values to new values. This calculator is partitioned in to two where the first section will determine a percentage increase or decrease in the two values. The second part of the calculator is used to find absolute difference.

To find the percentage increase or decrease in values, you will enter the initial amount and the final amount in their respective text fields. Click the ‘Calculate’ button to execute the conversion. Your answers will be displayed below the two controls indicating whether it was an increase or decrease. If it is an increase, the value will be displayed as positive while a negative result will indicate a decrease between the two values. The bottom platform of the calculator is used to show the calculations and the formula used by the calculator in performing the conversion.

The absolute difference is measured by the conversion between the initial amount and the percentage increase or decrease. Enter the values in the appropriate text fields and then click on the ‘Calculate’ button to display the results and the final amount. It will also indicate the calculation in the bottom platform of the calculator.

Formula of calculating the percentage increase/decrease

Percentage Increase/decrease = (V new – V old) / V old x 100%, which means that the percentage increase or decrease from the old to the new value is calculated by; the difference between the old and new values which is then divided by the old figure. The result is multiplied by 100%.

For example;
If the old and new values are $2000 and $5000 respectively, find the percentage increase.

(5000-2000) / 2000 x 100%

=3000/2000 x 100%

=1.5 x 100%

= 150 %

Calculating the difference and final value

D = V0 x p / 100, where the difference is computed by multiplying the initial value by the percentage increase/decrease then the result is divided by 100.

V1 = Vo + d, where the final value is calculated by adding the initial value to the difference.

2000 x 150 / 100 = 3000

2000 + 3000 = 5000

Final Amount = 5000

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