Square Feet to Acre

1 Square feet


0.0000229568411 Acre

Square Feet to Acres (How many acres in a square foot?)

It is an area conversion calculator that is used to convert Square feet (ft2) to Acres (ac). It is programmed with a single text field and a ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion process. To use the calculator, enter the value of square feet in the blank text field and then click on the ‘Convert' button to get the results in Acres.

For example;

Convert 60000 square feet to acres


Enter the square feet value 60000 in the blank text field and then click the ‘Convert' button. The result in acres will be displayed as; 1.377410466 Acres

Therefore, 60000 square feet = 1.377410466 Acres 

Square Feet to Acres Conversion

Enter a sq. foot value that you want to convert into acres and click on the "convert" button.

How many acres in square feet?

The area units' conversion factor for square feet to acres is 0.0000229568411. We multiply the value in square feet by the conversion factor to find out how many acres are in square feet. Alternatively, you can use the square feet to acres conversion calculator to obtain quick and accurate results.

1 Square foot = 0.0000229568411 Acre

This means that there are 0.0000229568411 acres in a square foot.

We multiply the value in square feet by 0.0000229568411 (conversion factor) to determine the number of acres in a square foot.

For example

How many acres are there in 60,000 square foot?


You multiply the value in square foot (60000) by the conversion factor (0.0000229568411)


= 60,000 x 0.0000229568411

= 1.377410466 Acres

This means that there are 1.377410466 Acres in 600000 square feet.


A Square foot is both a US customary and an imperial area unit and is abbreviated as "sq. ft." or "ft2". One square foot is equivalent to 0.0000229568411 acres, 0.092903 square meters, and 144 square inches. If you want to calculate the square footage of an area, you multiply the length and width of the area in the foot. It is mostly used in architecture, real estate, and interior space plans.

An Acre is a US customary and an imperial (UK) unit of area measurement and is abbreviated as "ac". It is used as a unit of area in measuring different systems. One Acre is equal to 43560 square feet, 4840 square yards, or 4046.8564 square meters. It is roughly the area of 16 tennis courts (78 ft. by 36 ft.) or about 2.5 soccer field (393 ft. x 295 ft. maximum size as regulation). The Survey and International acres are regularly used in many countries as common units of measurement. They have a very small difference between them of 0.016 square meters.