Square Kilometer to Square Feet

1 Square Kilometer


10763910.417 Square Feet

Square Kilometer to Square Feet (How many square feet in a square kilometer ?)

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the area in square kilometer (km2) to square feet (ft2). It has a simple interface that makes it easier to convert values in square kilometers to square feet.  The first procedure when using this calculator is to enter the value in square kilometers in the blank text field. Afterwards, press the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion from square kilometer to square feet.

The same procedure is used when you want to perform another conversion using new values in square kilometers.  The results in square feet are displayed at the bottom platform of the calculator below the active control.


Convert 0.005 square kilometers to square feet


First, enter the value in square kilometers (0.005) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to execute the conversion from square kilometers to square feet. The conversion result will be displayed as;

0.005 Square Kilometer = 53819.55208499999571 Square Feet

This means that there are 53819.55208499999571 Square Feet in 0.005 square kilometers.

The square kilometer to square feet conversion table is used to determine the conversions of common values from square kilometer to square feet.

Square Kilometers to Square Feet Conversion

Enter a value that you want to convert into sq. feet and click on the "convert" button.

How many square feet are in a square kilometer?

The area units' conversion factor of the square kilometer to square feet is 10763910.417. If you want to determine the number of square feet in a square kilometer you multiply the value in square kilometer by the conversion factor.

1 Square kilometer = 10763910.417 square feet

This implies that there are 10763910.417 square feet in one square kilometer.

The area of a square is determined when one side is multiplied by itself and one kilometer is defined as 3280.84 feet. This can be expressed as;

3280.84 x 3280.84

10763910.417 square feet in one square kilometer.


A square kilometer is defined as an area unit in the metric system of measurement. One square kilometer is equivalent to 1000000 square meters, 10763910.417 square feet, 247.1 acres, 0.3861 square miles and 100 hectares. It is abbreviated as "km2" or "sq. km."

A square foot is considered as a US customary and an imperial area unit of measurement. It is abbreviated as "ft2" or "sq. ft." One square foot is equivalent to 0.09290304 square meters, 1/9 square yard and 144 square inches. It is commonly used in real estate, architecture and interior floor plans.  The symbols can either be in square feet, ‘per square foot' or square foot.