Tablespoons to Milliliters Conversion
Tablespoon to Millimeter (How many milliliters in a tablespoon?)
A tablespoon, abbreviated as "tbsp." or "tbs.", is a volume unit commonly used in cooking recipes. A milliliter is a volume unit in the metric system abbreviated as "mL" or "ml".
To determine the number of milliliters available in a tablespoon, you will multiply the new value by the conversion factor.
1 tablespoon [US] = 14.7867648 Milliliters
1 tablespoon [Metric] = 15 Milliliters
1 Tablespoon [UK] = 17.758164 Milliliters

How many Milliliters are in a tablespoon?
One liter is equivalent to the volume of one kilogram of water by definition. The same amount of water equals 67.628045318 tablespoons. Therefore, we have 14.7867648 Milliliters in one tablespoon.
If you want to find out how many milliliters are in a tablespoon, you divide the number of milliliters by the number of tablespoons in a liter.
The number of tablespoons in a liter is 67.628045318 while the number of milliliters in a liter is 1000. The calculation can be expressed as;
1000/67.628045318 = 14.7867648 ml. in a tablespoon [US]
The conversion result tends to vary depending on the standard used in the calculation. For example, if we use the Metric system, the number of tablespoons in a liter will be 66.6666667. Therefore, we will divide the number of milliliters in a liter by tablespoon in one liter. The calculation can be expressed as;
1000/66.6666667 = 15 ml. in a tablespoon [metric]
The number of tablespoons in a liter for the UK standard will be 56.312127763. To find how many milliliters [UK] are in a tablespoon, we divide the number of milliliters in a liter by the number of tablespoons in one liter. It can be expressed as;
1000/56.312127763 = 17.758164 ml. in a tablespoon [UK]
The Tablespoon to Milliliter conversion calculator is equipped with a blank text field and active controls that carry out independent functions of the converter. It is fast and reliable the fact that it gives accurate results in less time.
You can also determine the conversion results using the Tablespoon to Milliliter Conversion table. It is straightforward because it displays all the results of conversion in the table. However, it runs on a scale and not all values might be available in the Tablespoon to Milliliter conversion table.
There is a lot of paperwork involved when executing the conversions manually. This converter offers simplicity and you can always repeat the same procedure when you want to perform new calculations.