IST Time Now

IST Time Now

India Standard Time (IST) is a time zone that is used in Asia. It is 5:30 hours ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). It is also known to be a half-hour time zone because the local time differs by 30 minutes. IST is sometimes referred to as the Indian Time. The Asian countries that use the Indian Standard time are India and Sri Lanka. You can also use the time zone converter if you want to determine the Indian Standard Time and any other region. A second was added to the IST in order to synchronize with the Earth's rotational clock.

Although the addition of a second has no significant impact on the daily life, it matters in the field of astronomy, communication, and navigation. The two regions, India and Sri Lanka observe the Indian Standard Time without switching to summer daylight saving time standard.

IST has been used in large cities such as Mumbai, Kolkata, and Delhi since the middle of the 20th century. The NPL under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (SCIR) are the ones responsible for adding the leap second to the Indian clock. The NPL is one of the ancient laboratories that possesses five atomic clocks which are always precise in their functionality.