PNG to PDF converter

PNG to PDF image converter

  1. Press Open PNG image button to load PNG image from local disk.
  2. Press Save to PDF button to save PDF to local disk.
  3. Select PDF printer and press the Save button.

PNG to PDF Converter

It is an image conversion tool that is used to convert the PNG file to PDF format. PNG was initially designed to replace the GIF file format after its founders started demanding royalties. It is a file format that is used to store raster images (bitmapped) on computers. PNG and GIF file formats have common similarities the fact that they both use lossless compression as well as indexed colors. The big difference between the two is that PNG cannot be animated without the copyright limitations from the GIF founders.

The PDF (Portable Document Format) is an image file format that presents and exchanges documents reliably. The PDF was invented by Adobe and is independent of any operating system, software or hardware. It was introduced to make sharing of documents easier of documents easier between computers and across operating system platforms. It is now an open standard that is maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It consolidates all the elements of a printed document to give out an electronic image. It is a file format makes it easier to view, navigate, print and can also be sent to a third party.

How to easily convert PNG to PDF

Click on "Open PNG image" icon to initiate the conversion of your PNG image file to PDF format.

Select the image PNG file for converting to PDF.

This imaging tool will automatically convert the PNG file format to PDF.

Press "Save to JPG" icon to save the file and the new image format (PDF) will be downloaded to your local hard drive. You can also check it on the download history of the web browser you are using.

In a situation where the download process is taking longer than usual, cancel the process and submit the file again. You can always repeat the same procedure using other PNG file formats.