New York Time Now

New York Time Now

New York is situated in the Eastern Time Zone (EST) of the United States of America (USA). EST is known to be 5 hours behind the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5). New York observes the Daylight Saving Time (DST) like most states in the USA. During this period, the time is shifted forward to Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) by one hour.

The EDT is 4 hours behind the Greenwich Mean Time shown as HMT-4. Once the summer months are over, the New York time is shifted backward by one hour to the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5) or the US Eastern Standard Time (EST).

All the clocks in the USA are now on and observe the Daylight saving time. It began on 12th March 2017 at 02:00 local time where the clocks go forward by one hour. The daylight saving time will end on 5th November 2017 at 02:00 local time. During this period, all the clocks will be shifted back by one hour to the standard time.

New York is currently on the Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and is behind the Coordinated Universal Time by 4 hours. The standard time will be at UTC-5 and all the clocks will be using the Eastern Standard Time (EST).