Calories to kcal conversion

Calories to kcal conversion

Select calorie unit type:  
Result in small kilocalories: kcal

Calories to kcal conversion

It is used to convert the energy in calories to the energy in small kilocalories. Start by selecting the unit type of calories before you fill in the value of energy in calories. Afterward, click on the ‘Convert' button which initiates the conversion. The ‘Reset' can always be used whenever you want to perform new calculations. The result in small kilocalories will be presented in the bottom text field of the converter. This calculator only shows conversions from calories to kilocalories and not the reverse. It can perform a single calculation at once which requires you to coordinate between ‘Convert' and ‘Reset' buttons to perform new calculations.

Formula of converting small calories to small kilocalories

E (kcal) = E (Cal) / 1000, which means that the energy in small kilocalories is computed by dividing the energy in calories by 1000.

It can also be expressed as;

1 kcal = 1000 Cal.

For example;
If the energy in small calories is 4500 Cal, find the energy in small kilocalories

E (kcal) = E (Cal) / 1000

= 4500 Cal / 1000 = 4.5 small Kilocalories (kcal)

Converting the energy in large calories to small kilocalories

E (kcal) = E (Cal), which means that the energy in large calories is equal to the energy in small kilocalories.

It can also be expressed as;

1 kcal = 1 Cal

For example;
If the energy in kilocalories is 55 Cal, what is the result in small kilocalories?

E (kcal) = E (Cal)

= 55 Cal = 55 small kilocalories (kcal)

This calculator can be used to perform a conversion in lesser time compared to the paperwork since it has an enhanced speed and accuracy. It is always important to select the unit type of calories and the right values before executing the conversion. The calculator will always give accurate results according to the input.