GeV to eV conversion

GeV to eV conversion

Result in electron-volts: eV

GeV to eV conversion

It is a conversion calculator which can be used to convert the energy in gigaelectronvolts (GeV) to energy in electron volts (eV). It has a simple interface with a single text field and two control buttons. The first procedure is to type in the value of the energy in gigaelectron volts before clicking the ‘Convert' button. It is used to execute the conversions to electron volts.

The ‘Reset' button erases previous calculations offering free space for new conversions. This calculator majorly deals with conversions from gigaelectron volts to electron volts. It is essential to be careful when entering long values in the text field since the calculator uses the input in determining the accuracy of the results.

Formula of converting gigaelectron volts to energy in electron volts

E (eV) = E (GeV) x 109 = E (GeV) x 1000000000, which means that the power in Giga electron is computed by multiplying the energy in gigaelectron volts by 109 or 1000000000.

It can also be expressed as;

1 GeV = 1000000000 Ev, where one gigaelectronvolt is equivalent to 109 electron volts.

For example;
If the energy in gigaelectron volts is 0.0005647 (GeV), what is the energy in electron volts?

E (eV) = E (GeV) x 109 = E (GeV) x 1000000000

= 0.0005647 (GeV) x 1000000000 = 564700 electron volts (eV).

Example 2
Convert five gigaelectronvolts to electron volts

E (eV) = E (GeV) x 109 = E (GeV) x 1000000000

= 5 (GeV) x 1000000000 = 5000000000 electron volts (eV)

The gigaelectron volts to electron volts conversion calculator uses this formula in executing the calculations. It guarantees speed and accuracy which makes it convenient to the user. The two button controls perform their intended functions in lesser time making it easier to carry out several conversions in a short period. This online calculator is easily accessible, and you can always use it at any time.