keV to eV conversion

keV to eV conversion

Result in electron-volts: eV

KeV to eV conversion

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the energy in kilo electron volts (keV) to electron volts (eV). The ‘convert' and ‘reset' buttons are essential controls in the calculator which perform different functions. It is easy to use and convenient for performing several conversions over a short period. Begin by typing in the value of the energy in kilo electron volts and then click on the ‘Convert' button. It is used to initiate the conversion process, and the result in electron volts is presented in the bottom text field of the calculator. Always check to ensure that you have entered the correct values since the converter gives accurate results according to the input.

Formula of converting energy in kilo electron volts to electron volts

E (eV) = E (keV) x 1000, which means that the energy in electron volts is calculated by multiplying the power in kilo electron volts by 1000.

It can also be expressed as;

One keV = 1000 Ev, which means that one-kilo electron volts are equivalent to a thousand electron volts.

For example;
If the energy in kilo electron volts is 8 (keV), what is the energy in electron volts?

E (eV) = E (keV) x 1000

= 8 (keV) x 1000 = 8000 electron volts (eV).

Example 2
Convert 0.876 kiloelectron volts to energy in electron volts

E (eV) = E (keV) x 1000

= 0.876 (keV) x 1000 = 876 electron volts (eV).

This calculator can only convert the values from kilo electron volts to electron volt. It can be used to perform several calculations. However, it can only convert a single value from kilo electron volts to electron volts at a time. The ‘Reset' button is useful in clearing all the text fields allowing free space for new conversions. It is an online calculator which delivers speed and guarantees accurate results of conversion according to the input.