kWh to Joules conversion

kWh to Joules conversion

Result in joules: J

Kilowatt-hours to joules conversion

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the energy in kilowatt-hours (kWh) to energy in joules (J). This online calculator is easy to use and delivers accurate results of the conversion. It has a single text field and two control buttons which perform different functions of the calculator. The ‘Convert' button is used to execute the conversion filling in the value in kilowatt-hours.

The ‘Reset' button is used to erase all the previous data of the conversion. Once coordinated, they can be used to perform a variety of calculations with different figures since it cannot convert multiple data at once. This calculator majorly deals with conversions from kilowatt-hours to joules and not the reverse. It is simple to use and requires few steps to get your results in joules.

Formula of converting Kilowatt-hours to energy in joules

This calculator uses a formula in executing the conversions;

E (J) = 3600000 x E (kWh), which means that the energy in joules is computed by multiplying the energy in kilowatt-hours by 3600000.

It can also be expressed as;

1 kWh = 3600000 J = 3.6.106 J = 3.6 MJ

For example;
If the energy in kilowatt-hours is seven kWh, what is the energy in joules?

E (J) = 3600000 x E (kWh)

= 3600000 x 7 kWh = 25200000 joules (J).

Example 2
If the energy in kilowatt-hours is 0.478 kWh, what is the energy in joules?

E (J) = 3600000 x E (kWh)

= 3600000 x 0.478 kWh = 1720800 joules (J).

The kilowatt-hour to joules converter is an online calculator that is readily available and delivers accurate results according to the different values entered in the open text field. The ‘Convert' button executes the calculation in less than a second which makes the converter fast and efficient.